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DLC Movement Disorder Clinic Building

Movement Disorder Clinic

This clinic has been established to provide multidisciplinary specialty services to patients who have been referred by the MDC Neurologists. The spectrum of movement disorders include Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinsonism, Tremor, Dystonia, Chorea, Myoclonus, Huntington’s Disease, Tourette’s Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome, and Drug Induced Movement Disorders.

Services Offered

Movement Disorder Neurology Consultation
This service is available to assist in the management of all movement disorders listed above, as well to provide input for patients with undiagnosed movement disorders.

Affiliation with Functional Neurosurgery Team at HSC
We refer to and work closely with functional neurosurgical services at Health Sciences Centre (HSC) to assist in providing surgical procedures (e.g. Deep Brain Surgery) for movement disorders when indicated.

Botox Injections
These are provided for movement disorders.

General Neurology Referrals
As this is a specialty movement disorder clinic, we would recommend that for non-movement disorder cases, referring physicians consider consultation with a general neurologist in the community. If there is a reason that the patient should still be seen at this facility please indicate why on the referral letter.

Clinic Resource Nurse / Social Work Services
The clinic offers nursing, social work, and Huntington’s Disease social work expertise for all movement disorder patients in Manitoba being seen in consultation by one of our in clinic Neurologists. These services can also be accessed directly by other neurologists in our community by faxing a completed “request for services” to 204-940-8414.

Please note to contact the Huntington Society Social worker you may call 204-772-4617 or fax 204-940-8414.

Allied Health Services
Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Dietitian, and Genetic Counsellor services will be available for patients with Movement Disorders through these respective departments at Deer Lodge Centre.

Clinical Research Trials
There are ongoing medication and surgical research trials for Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders, being conducted at the clinic. Information as to the current trials can be obtained from our Clinical Research Coordinator, Shaun Hobson, at 204-940-8400.

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