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Our Research and Library


Staff at the clinic routinely conduct clinical research into operational stress. The goal of all research is to improve our ability to treat OSIs and restore quality of life to clients and their families. We conduct all of our research through the University of Manitoba, and in collaboration with other OSI Clinics nationwide and their associated universities. The network of OSI Clinics, coordinated through the National Centre for Operational Stress Injuries, establishes the research priorities of the network and works to optimize the shared resources of the combined clinics. Veterans Affairs Canada has worked hard to make resources and other supports available in executing the research component of its Mental Health Strategy.

All research with clients is voluntary. There is no requirement for patients and families to participate in studies. The decision to participate or not will not affect the services that we offer to veterans, military members, and their families.

The OSI Clinic Library

The Clinic also houses a growing library collection of works on military mental health, military medicine in general, and related topics. These can be searched automatically through the University of Manitoba libraries website by clicking the link below.

The library contains both general information for patients and their families on a wide range of health topics, as well as a substantial body of technical and academic materials of interest to students and professionals. Current holdings include nearly 300 monographs and nearly two dozen films on combat stress.

Although the collection is non-circulating and can only be viewed at the clinic, graduate students and researchers are welcome to contact us to view our holdings. We are presently looking into implementing the technology that would allow users to borrow books.

Electronic Libraries


The Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress (PILOTS) is the largest index of published materials on trauma and PTSD, maintained by Dartmouth College. You must access it through the NCPTSD website. Click below for an overview of the database and an entry point.


The Military History Research Centre at the Canadian War Museum offers this online catalogue of its holdings, in addition to the online Democracy at War library.