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Our Outreach Program

Outreach and networking are part of the four core pillars of VAC’s Mental Health Strategy through the OSI Clinics. We regularly provide public speaking engagements and other educational activities for the professional community and the general public, to increase awareness of OSIs and their impact on quality of life. We also engage in routine networking with research groups, professional organizations, veterans advocacy groups, and client organizations such as the Canadian Forces Health Services.

We also meet with family members and interest groups associated with veterans and the military.

The clinic provides a number of standardized educational presentations. These include topics such as:

  • Introduction to Operational Stress and Operational Stress Injury
  • What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
  • Anxiety Disorders and Chronic Pain
  • The interaction between Dementia and PTSD
  • Evidence-based treatments for PTSD
  • Overview of the Operational Stress Injury Clinic’s services and activities

If you are interested in using any of these educational resources for your organization or group, please contact us at 204-831-3420.