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Services for Family Members

Because the health of veterans and soldiers is closely linked to the well-being of their loved ones, Veterans Affairs Canada has established progressive and supportive policies that allow family members to use some services of the clinic:

  • You can meet with staff at the clinic to get information on OSIs and related health problem. This may assist you in coping with an OSI in your family or in identifying someone who may have one.
  • If your immediate family member (spouse, parent, or child) is currently being treated for an OSI (either at this clinic or with another provider), you may be eligible for therapy to help you with your own stress and the related family issues.
  • OSIs can have a serious impact on relationships. We provide couples therapy for patients whose relationships are being affected.
  • We also provide self-help literature for family members who wish to learn more about OSIs, related health problems, and other issues of concern to them.

Family members are covered by the same confidentiality policies as other patients, and may also go through a brief intake process. You can arrange for family services in the following ways:

  • If you are currently a patient at the OSI Clinic, notify your current clinician that you wish to receive additional services for your spouse or other family members. In some situations, you may need to seek a second referral to the clinic.
  • If no one in your family is involved here, contact us directly at 204-831-3420. We will arrange for a clinician to contact you and discuss your concerns and options.

There are some situations in which we must decline to offer services to family members. In these situations we discuss our reasons with families and provide information on other service options.

If you would like service as a family member for education, please contact us directly. Family of veterans or retired RCMP who may require other services, should call the Contact Centre at 1-866-522-2122 (English) or 1-866-522-2022 (French).