Operational Stress Injury Clinic (OSI)
The Operational Stress Injury Clinic is a specialized outpatient program that only serves veterans of the Canadian Forces, current Forces members, and eligible members of the RCMP. We also serve the families of those individuals. The clinic is located at Deer Lodge Centre because of its historic and ongoing ties to veterans, and is fully funded by Veterans Affairs Canada. The Deer Lodge Centre OSI Clinic is one of of a number run by VAC across Canada.
Our goal is to help people improve their quality of life through a better understanding of the impact of severe stress. We do this by providing assessment and treatment services for OSIs, such as pharmacotherapy, talk therapy and groups. We also deliver education and conduct research that advance our understanding of these issues.
The clinic is open Monday to Fridays from 8:30 to 4:30. We are in the North Pavilion (the yellow brick building) on the first floor. The entrance is on Duffield Street on the west side of Deer Lodge Centre. DLC CAMPUS MAP
Visitors can park on the residential streets in the neighbourhood for free, and on Portage Avenue between 8:30 and 3:30. With a handicapped parking pass you can park up to 4 hours on city streets. You can call us at 204-831-3420.
For more information on the network of clinics and the VAC Mental Health Strategy, please visit the VAC web site in our Links and Information section.