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What is the Geriatric Assessment & Rehabilitation Program?

Patients are admitted to the Geriatric Assessment and Rehabilitation following events such as hip fracture, knee surgery, stroke or sometimes following a long stay in a hospital setting. Patients can also be admitted from the community on the recommendation of the Geriatric Program Assessment Team (GPAT). The goal is of our program is to help patients return safely to the community.

Welcome to Rehab!

Rehabilitation can be hard work but it’s all about getting back to your life. We help you build strength and we might also help you to find new ways to do old things so that you are able to do as much for yourself as possible.

Our goal is to help you get strong enough to go home, and we start to plan for this on your first day here.

The process of rehabilitation does not end when you leave here – it continues when you go home.

In fact, getting back to your own home is better for you, which is why that is our goal. Longer stays in the hospital increase the chances of developing new problems such as infections and medication side effects. But this does not mean that we will send you home before the time is right for you.

Things to bring with you:

Aids: If you use any of these items please bring them with you:

  • Mobile phone
  • Glasses
  • Hearing aids and batteries
  • Walker / cane from home
  • Wheelchair from home


  • Underwear and bra or undershirt
  • Pajamas and a housecoat
  • Socks
  • 1 week’s worth of comfortable, casual clothing that is easy to move and exercise in such as pants, shirts or sweaters


  • Walking shoes or runners
  • Slippers – closed toe and closed heel with non-skid soles are best

Hygiene Supplies:

  • Brush / comb
  • Mouth care supplies – toothbrush, toothpaste, dentures, denture powder or paste
  • Shaver / make-up as needed

For Fun:

  • Activities such as books, puzzles, etc.

Estimated Discharge Date

Your discharge date is based on how long others your same age, diagnosis and mobility across Canada needed to be in hospital before they could safely go home.

Personal Care Plans

Knowing your estimated discharge date right from the start helps the health care team create your care plan. The team works with you to identify everything that needs to be done to make sure that you have a safe discharge.

We review the care plan and your progress often. We will change the estimated date of discharge if you need a shorter or longer length of stay based on your needs and your progress.

Planning for Home

Home may be different than it was before you came to rehab. You might go home with family, with new equipment or to a new place. You might have new ways of doing things.

When you are ready to go home we will make sure that you have what you need. This includes:

  • Clear instructions for medications, exercises and other things;
  • Access to equipment that you will need;
  • Instructions on follow-up care;
  • Organizing Home Care or other health programs;
  • Providing information about other community resources that you may need.

It is normal to have a lot of questions. Talking about your questions with the health care team allows us to plan and help you prepare for discharge.

L2 East side Desk – 204-831-2522

L2 West Side Desk – 204-831-2518

L4 East Side Desk – 204-831-2520

L4 West Side Desk – 204-831-2521

Problem Solving Steps

There may be times when you are unable to solve a problem that concerns you or your family and friends. As a patient or resident, you have the right to ask questions about your care and share your concerns with us. Please review our Problem Solving Steps to help resolve any issues you may have.

How are you doing now that you’re home?

We would like to know how you are doing once you are back home. If you would like to provide us with an update, please write to us at: [email protected]

Geri-Rehab units accept student placements for Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Health Care Aides and Health Unit Clerks.

Lodge 2 – 44 beds

Lodge 4 – 44 beds