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Welcome to Deer Lodge Centre!

Greetings from the DLC Resident and Family Council:

I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to Deer Lodge Centre and especially on behalf of the Resident and Family Council.

As residents and family members, we meet every month to share information and discuss issues and lobby for changes to improve residents’ quality of care here.  Every suggestion is discussed and referred to the appropriate department for follow up.  Please note that there is a suggestion box that is checked regularly.  It is located on Main Street by the Social Work Department (office door).

We would like to highlight two visitation areas.  The new Indoor Visitation Centre is for general visitors.  Please visit our website at for more information and to book your visit.

We have a beautiful visiting area located on the second floor (across from Chad’s Bar) for designated visitors and residents.  Resident and Family Council has been involved in creating this inviting space.  The area boasts a large and colorful fish tank, natural light, and comfortable lounge furniture has been ordered.

No suggestion or concern is ever thought of as unimportant.  You matter at Deer Lodge Centre.  You and your family are always welcome at our meetings.  We have an open-door policy.  Your comments and concerns are appreciated.

See you at the meetings!


Ray Ricard, Council Coordinator

Resident and Family Council

Deer Lodge Centre      

The Deer Lodge Centre is part of the Winnipeg health region operated by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Mission and Values

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s Mission is to provide the best health care to every person we serve. Together, we care by delivering compassionate, timely and quality health services where and when our patients, clients and residents need them. Our Values include:

Compassion – we listen first, and offer respect, kindness and empathy to find the best ways to help.

Collaboration – We work together from the start as diverse teams and communities to make better health and well-being possible for everyone.

Inclusivity – We recognize, respect and learn from the unique needs and contributions of every person in our community.

Accountability – We hold ourselves and others responsible for actions and results.

Integrity – We demonstrate honesty and transparency in everything we say and do.

Equity – We work together to promote conditions and remove barriers to every person can achieve their full health potential.

Deer Lodge Centre Role

Deer Lodge Centre (DLC) as part of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority provides health services to adults with complex needs in the areas of Rehabilitation, Chronic Care, Dementia Care, Mental Health and Bariatrics.  The programs and services offered at DLC support the needs of clients in a variety of care settings including inpatient programming, outpatient clinics and residential care.  DLC has a long and proud history of caring and an ongoing commitment to the health care needs of Canadian Forces and Veterans.