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PRIME is proud to have a diverse health care staff who aid seniors in active living through the provision of holistic health care, exercises and social programs.

Case Manager

Each PRIME Participant is assigned a Case Manager. The PRIME Case Manager is your main contact person and advocate. They will act on your behalf, respond to any concerns you may have, and facilitate communication between you and other PRIME team members. Your Case Manager helps to develop a Home Care service plan with you.

PRIME Medical Team

Upon enrolment in PRIME your primary health care will be transferred to the onsite PRIME medical team. The PRIME medical team is comprised of Physicians, Clinical Resource Nurse, Nurses and Pharmacist, who are available to assist you. You can access a PRIME health care provider 7 days per week.

Clinical Resource Nurse

The Clinical Resource Nurse works closely with the Regional Manager to provide leadership and support to the PRIME team. The Clinical Resource Nurse has nursing expertise that allows them to work both directly with you and also with the team to help problem solve and to ensure that safe, quality care is being provided.


The PRIME Physician works together with you, your case manager and the health care team to address your medical needs. The physician can be accessed by appointment and can be arranged by your case manager.


PRIME Nurses are available during the weekdays as well as in the evenings and on weekends and statutory holidays. The Nurses can provide you with direct care, perform nursing procedures, provide education and counseling, and promote healthy practices.


All PRIME Participants must receive their medications through the PRIME program. The PRIME Pharmacist keeps an ongoing, up to date record of your medications, medical conditions and allergies. As part of the PRIME health team and as a medication expert, the Pharmacist will answer your questions and help you learn more about the medications that you have been prescribed.

Recreation Facilitator

A variety of recreational and leisure activities and exercises are planned and provided by a Recreation Facilitator to suit various levels of abilities. Upon enrolment in PRIME you will meet our Recreation Facilitator who will get to know you and will be interested in finding out about your preferences in leisure activities.

Health Care Aides

At PRIME the Health Care Aides look forward to getting to know you well and to becoming familiar with your individual preferences. If required we can assist you with personal care needs such as assistance in the washroom, personal hygiene and grooming. Our Health Care Aides will provide care to you in a respectful and private manner.

Social Worker

Social workers help individuals, couples, families and groups through the provision of counselling, therapy and referral to other social services. If you are going through a difficult time in your life, a qualified and experienced Social Worker is on staff to listen to you, help and guide you, and provide you with support and counselling. Your confidentiality will be respected.


A Dietitian’s role is to ensure excellence in dietary practices and to promote the best nutritional health possible. If you have nutritional concerns or special requirements the PRIME Dietitian will provide you with nutritional counselling and meal planning to help you meet your specific nutritional requirements.


Physiotherapists work with individuals to assess, diagnose, treat and provide recommendations based on the individual’s physical condition. A Physiotherapist is on staff to assess and treat problems related to walking, balance, strength, pain management, flexibility, endurance and coordination.

Occupational Therapist

An Occupational Therapist (OT) helps individuals regain, improve or maintain their abilities or skills. They build on the strengths of the individual to help find new ways of doing things. PRIME has an Occupational Therapist on staff to review any concerns you have with activities such as dressing, bathing or eating, and with any adaptations you may need, such as special seating, equipment and other devices. Some assessments may be done in your home.

Rehabilitation Assistant

A rehabilitation assistant works under the supervision of occupational therapists and physiotherapists in providing treatment programs to individuals. The PRIME Rehabilitation Assistant is involved in group fitness programs and individual therapy to help you maintain your physical well-being.

Medical Office Assistant

The PRIME Medical Office Assistants play a central role in supporting all areas of PRIME. They have a wide variety of office duties such as updating records, coordinating appointments and answering phones. The Medical Office Assistants are located at the PRIME reception area and will help make your PRIME experience comfortable.

Regional Manager

The PRIME Regional Manager is responsible for overseeing all staff and operations of the PRIME program. The Regional Manager is committed to providing a high standard of care and welcomes all ideas, suggestions and concerns. The Regional Manager is located at the PRIME site.

In addition, PRIME is able to access:

  • Speech Language Pathology
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Foot care
  • Hair dressing services