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PRIME: A Health Centre for Seniors is a comprehensive community program for clients 65 years of age and older who have complex medical and psychosocial care needs and required the support of an interprofessional team enabling them to remain living in their own homes as long as possible.

PRIME provides alternatives to entering into long term care by offering an all-inclusive health service. It uses a primary health care model supported by an interprofessional team and after-hours Nursing support. PRIME Case Managers assume Home Care Case Coordination responsibility for your clients.

PRIME can accommodate senior practicum nursing students (BN or RPN), Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Social Work and Recreation students.

PRIME is wheelchair accessible.

PRIME is located at:

Deer Lodge Centre
2109 Portage Avenue
(PRIME entrance at 203 Duffield and the reception desk is immediately inside on the main floor)
Phone: 204-833-1700

Fax: 204-940-2125