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Clinic Mission

  1. Quality Patient Care
    • Maintenance of competence through CME of all staff.
    • A multidisciplinary, cohesive approach to patient care.
  2. Teaching of medical professionals (Fellows, residents, medical students, nurses, etc) through:
    • In-clinic rotations.
    • Timely CME programs for the medical communities.
  3. Education of patients and caregivers, directly or through educational programs directed to the general public.
  4. Maintenance of a collaborative specialist network within the region to foster:
    • Timely consultative services with specialists with experience caring for this group of disorders.
  5. Clinical research
  6. To encourage and / or perform basic science research into the cause and treatment of movement disorders.
  7. To assist the regional support groups who provide a support environment for the patients though regular meetings as well as education and fund raising opportunities.