Virtual Visits
Deer Lodge Centre is pleased to offer Virtual Visits for friends and family who are not able to visit in person. Our Recreation Facilitators have been doing a great job helping our patients and residents get connected with their loved ones and are available to help you set up your visit at a time that works for everyone. Here’s what you need and what to do:
- Virtual Visitors need to have access to an internet data connection or wifi.
- Virtual Visitors require access to a device such as a tablet (iPad), smartphone or laptop and be able to download the software required. Our Recreation Facilitator can provide information on how to find the software you need.
- To schedule your virtual visit, please call the unit Recreation Facilitator (see list of phone numbers below) to inquire about available dates & times. If you are not aware of the unit the patient or resident is on, please call our Patient & Resident Inquiries line at 204-833-1760 and leave a message on the Family Connect Virtual Visit Line.
- Enjoy your visit!
Recreation Contact Numbers:
Third Floor (Special Needs / Special Needs Behavioral Units): 204-831-2508
Lodge 2 (Rehabilitation): 204-831-2959
Lodge 4 (Rehabilitation): 204-831-2502
Lodge 5 (Chronic Care): 204-831-2504
Lodge 6 (Chronic Care): 204-831-2595
Lodge 7 (Chronic Care): 204-831-2564
Tower 4 (Personal Care Home): 204-831-2571
Tower 5 (Personal Care Home): 204-831-2571
Tower 7 (Special Needs Unit): 204-831-2509
PRIME: 204-831-1709