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Ethics for Everyone

Deer Lodge Centre Ethics Committee

What is Ethics?

In health care settings, ethical dilemmas arise when the “right thing to do” is unclear, or when people are in disagreement about what is best for a patient / resident. Ethical issues and questions arise everywhere in health care. Some are “everyday” issues, other are “exceptional issues”.

What Do We Do?

The Ethics Committee is comprised of a diverse group of individuals from a range of backgrounds and experience including Medicine, Law, Nursing and Allied Health (i.e. Social Work, Spiritual Care). Members of the Committee have received additional training in Ethics and have completed the Ethics training through the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

The DLC Ethics Committee provides assistance in three areas:

  1. Ethics Education: For example, each year the Ethics Committee provides awareness and education about ethics during Ethics Week in April.
  2. Policy Development and Review: Where applicable, the Ethics Committee reviews policies through an ethical lens and provides suggestions for consideration.
  3. Case Consultation: The Ethics Committee supports reflection of ethical concepts to aid in decision making.

Ethics Consultation

Making complex health care decisions is not easy. Ethical issues can arise, for instance, when a person is no longer able to make decisions or choices; when the benefits of continuing treatment are not clear; or when there is conflict between what is best in a given situation. An ethics consultation provides assistance to identify, clarify and work through ethical concerns. The final decision about an ethical dilemma lies with the individuals involved.

Ethics Consultations Consider the Following Ethical Principles:

  • Respect for the resident / patient autonomy and self-determination
  • Beneficence (doing good)
  • Non-maleficence (not doing harm)
  • Justice and fairness

Who Can Make a Referral?

Anyone – residents, patients, family members and staff are welcome to contact the Ethics Committee. All referrals will be kept confidential. Remember, a referral to the Ethics Committee is not intended to replace day-to-day ethical decision-making.

Individuals and Teams are encouraged to explore decision-making frameworks and problem-solving steps before contacting the Ethics Committee.

How to Make a Referral

A referral to the Ethics Committee can be made by filling out the form that is attached the Ethics Committee Brochure. Once complete, it can be submitted to the Information / Switchboard desk. If you need help to decide whether or not an Ethics Consultation would help you, please feel free to talk to a member of the Ethics Committee.