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Moving In

Resident rooms

We encourage residents to personalize their room. This may include bringing in pictures, comforters, plants, radios or something meaningful that can be hung up or put on the shelves. Some rooms can allow a small piece of wipe able easy to clean new furniture such as a chair. Not all rooms are the same size, families should check with their Manager of Resident/ Patient Care before bringing in any furniture.

Deer Lodge Centre reserves the right to remove personal belongings such as furnishings from your room to ensure adequate space is available to meet your care needs.

The housekeeping staff cleans the resident’s room once a day. The shelves are dusted regularly. If the resident has many personal possessions such as ornaments, picture frames on their shelves, the housekeeping staff is not able to dust the shelves properly. Deer Lodge Centre asks that you keep items on shelves to a reasonable amount. Window ledges and vents must be kept clear of items to allow for proper ventilation.

Clothing and Laundry Service

The following is a list of suggested list of clothing that you may require at Deer Lodge Centre.  Please ensure that all clothing can be washed in hot water.  Leave items with a staff member as each item will be labelled at no cost.


  • 6 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes, 6 pants, 1 pair of slippers (grip sole), 10 pairs of socks, 10 underpants (if worn), 4 pajamas, 4 sweaters, housecoat (if desired)

You may be asked to purchase adaptive clothing such as: opened back, adjustable shoes or grip socks depending on need.  Please note that Deer Lodge Centre is unable to launder personal comforters.

*Deer Lodge highly recommends you do not bring valuable items as we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Personal Care Home

Deer Lodge Centre provides a regular laundry service for resident and patient clothing. You may choose to use this service or family may wish to continue to provide laundry support. Some items may not be suitable for the Centre to wash using the institutional process and may need to be taken home by family or dry cleaned.

Chronic Care

Deer Lodge Centre offers regular laundry service for resident and patient clothing for a monthly fee. You may choose to use this service or to continue to provide laundry support. Some items may not be suitable for the Centre to wash using the institutional process and may need to be taken home by family or dry cleaned.

Tailoring Services

Staff in the laundry services will provide minor repairs to clothing at minimal charge.  This includes sewing on buttons, repairing minor rips and tears or re-hemming pants.  On a limited basis, laundry staff will provide other tailoring services such as hemming new pants, opening the backs of clothing or zipper replacement. There will be a charge for these services. Pricing and tailoring requests can be directed to the manager of Laundry Services. Unit staff can help you with this.

Off Season Clothing

Clothing requirements change with the season or with changes in the resident’s condition. Families need to check in the spring and fall to ensure seasonable clothing is available, discard any clothing that is worn or does not fit and take home off-season clothing. There is no ability to store seasonal clothing at Deer Lodge Centre.


On most units, residents and patients can have a phone in their room at their own expense. Deer Lodge Centre does not provide personal phones and does not cover the cost for residents and patients to have a phone. Arrangements need to be made by calling Manitoba Telecom Service (MTS) at (204) 225-5687 or Free public phones for resident use are found in the lounges on each unit.

Televisions and Cable Services

Deer Lodge Centre provides televisions and cable services in the lounge area on each Unit and some common areas for all patients and residents. Individual patients and residents who wish to have televisions and cable service in their rooms may do so and will be responsible for the monthly charge.

Chronic Care Units

The Centre provides individual televisions for all patients and residents in rehabilitation units and chronic care units. Patients and residents are responsible to pay a service fee as set up by the Centre. The use of earphones or headsets is strongly recommended for shared rooms.

Personal Care Units

Televisions that are brought in by residents or family must be safety checked by Facility Management before being used.  TV’s must be flat screens and be a maximum of 32”.

Electrical Appliances

Some electrical appliance may be brought in and must be checked by the Deer Lodge Centre before they can be plugged in.  Unit Staff will arrange for an electrical check on each of your appliances and return it to you when approved. Deer Lodge Centre has the right to refuse any electrical appliance. Space heaters and small fridges are not permitted.

Home-Prepared Food

Loved ones often enjoy bringing food for loved ones at Deer Lodge Centre.  This is welcome and an important part of socializing.  However, some foods may pose risks for clients at Deer Lodge Centre.  It is important to ensure the food is safe and to minimize risks for residents who may have special diet needs.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact your unit dietitian.

Guidelines for Bringing Food Prepared Off-Site to Deer Lodge Centre: 

  • The food must meet special diet needs such as minced or thickened fluids or low sodium, as recommended for the client.
  • Food may be brought in for a client but must not be shared with other clients.
  • All food that is brought in must be clearly dated and labeled with the client’s name.
  • Perishable food that has not yet been in a client’s room (e.g. leftovers from a restaurant) will be kept in the fridge for no longer than two days, after which it will be thrown out, including the container.
  • Once food has been brought into a client’s room, it must not be returned to the fridge or freezer.
  • Clients, families, and friends cannot bring food prepared off-site to be shared with other clients.
  • Clients with chewing or swallowing difficulties must be supervised during meals and snacks.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is considered both a health hazard and a fire hazard. Visitors, volunteers and staff cannot smoke on Deer Lodge Centre property. Residents and patients may smoke only in the assigned smoking area outside the front doors at the designated times.

Removal of personal belongings

In the event you are no longer a resident at Deer Lodge Centre, arrange-ments to remove your personal belongings must be made within 24 hours.

Personal property may be donated to the Deer Lodge Centre. Please discuss potential equipment donations with the Unit Manager.

Funeral Arrangements

As part of the admission process you will be asked to provide the Centre with any information about advance funeral arrangements you may have. This information is helpful for staff to have so they can help families at a difficult time.

Barber and Hairdressing

The services are available in Deer Lodge Centre at a reasonable cost. Please talk with your unit clerk or the nursing staff to arrange appointments.

Volunteer Services

People are encouraged to volunteer at the Centre to help maintain a link with the community. They also compliment the work of staff by providing you with additional services and comforts. Volunteers operate the DLC Auxiliary Gift Shop and “Chad’s Place” bar. They visit residents and help at meal times and during recreational programs. Volunteers may be able to help you get to a worship service or accompany you to an appointment outside the Centre.

Volunteer Services knows how important it is to maintain contact and are pleased to provide family and friends with e-mail service to residents and patients.  E-mails can be sent to [email protected]. The message will be printed and hand delivered to the resident or patient.

Gift Shop

A gift shop, managed by the Deer Lodge Centre Auxiliary, is found on the Main Floor. Confections, cards, toiletries, gift items, clothing, jewelry and more are available for purchase.

Chad’s Place

“Chad’s Place” is located on the second floor and provides bar service to patients, residents, and guests accompanying them. Drinks may be paid for in cash or Resident Trust Account and there is a maximum of two drinks a person a day. Hours and prices are posted at Chad’s Place. The Centre reserves the right to refuse service. Concerns about alcohol consumption can be discussed with your designated Social Worker or Manager of Resident/Patient Care.

Equipment for Personal Use

Residents admitted to the Personal Care or Chronic Care programs at Deer Lodge Centre may need equipment for their personal use as assessed by the appropriate health care professional. This can include wheelchairs, walkers, transfer belts, slings, compression stockings, falls related equipment and many other items required for exclusive use of a resident or patient. The cost of these items is not covered by Manitoba Health and is the responsibility of the resident or patient or their legal representative. Members of the health care team will help in the assessment for proper equipment and in providing information about where and how it may be obtained. In addition, training will be provided in the safe use of the equipment.

A copy of the policy related to Resident or patient Equipment Responsibility is available on request.

Personal Hygiene Items

Residents are responsible to buy personal hygiene items such as shaving cream, toothpaste, deodorant, nail clippers, and so on. These items can be ordered through the DLC Auxiliary Gift Shop.

*Please remember to label these items before leaving them in resident’s rooms or bathrooms.

Quiet Hours

Families are integral partners in the care of residents at Deer Lodge Centre. Family and friends may visit as often as they like. Children are welcome within the Centre, but adult supervision is required.

Visitors need to be respectful of the needs of patients and residents. The Centre has set up quiet hours between 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. During quiet hours, rest and relaxation needs of the other residents in the room and in the unit must be considered.

Visitors who are not respectful of the quiet hours will be asked to leave the Centre. All visitors entering the Centre during quiet hours must check in with Security found at the Portage Avenue entrance.


Pets may visit in the Centre, but not in any area where food is being served. Owners are responsible for controlling their pets and are asked to check with the Unit regarding Pet Visitation Guidelines.


Visitors can park in the lot to the east of the building off Woodlawn Boulevard – there is a charge for parking. Payments are made at the Portage Avenue pay station. Limited street parking is available around Deer Lodge Centre.

Family Gatherings

Informal gatherings may be arranged through unit staff. Formal events or gatherings can be booked by calling 204-831-2118.


Residents may wish to leave the Centre. Please let staff know and then complete the Leave of Absence forms so that staff knows where you are going and when you hope to be back. Recreation outings are popular with residents, and many families or friends participate. Residents and their guests are responsible for transport, admissions and meal costs on recreation outings.

Temporary Absences, Hospital Leave, Social Leave

Before leaving the facility, residents or their families should tell the nursing staff on the unit about the times of their departure and arrival back to the unit.

The daily residential charge remains in effect during any period of social absence. Manitoba Health Standards dictate that social leaves cannot exceed 21 days.

If you are transferred to a hospital, your room here at Deer Lodge Centre will be held. The daily residential charges remain in effect while your room is held for you.

Student Education

Deer Lodge Centre provides educational opportunities for students from all health care professions. A qualified staff member always supervises students. You may be asked to have a student assigned to you. Your participation in student experiences is voluntary.

Private Companion Policy, Private Therapist Policy

Residents/Patients may supplement the care and services provided at Deer Lodge Centre by contracting privately for the services of outside agencies or individuals. This is provided at the cost of the resident or patient. All individual contractors and resident or patient representatives will sign the Authorization and Release Form for Care and Treatment by non-Deer Lodge Centre Personnel form. The form must be completed before beginning of service.

Checklist – Privately Hired Caregivers and Therapists

Authorization and Release Form for Care and Treatment by Non-Deer Lodge Centre Personnel