COVID and Other Outbreak Information
Please check here regularly for information about any outbreaks at Deer Lodge Centre along with what you can expect when visiting.
You can expect the following precautions to be taken on units during and outbreak:
- Visitation may be impacted for confirmed or potential outbreak units. Exceptions to visitor restrictions will be made for compassionate or end of life care situations. Check with the Manager of Patient / Resident Care for more information.
- Patients and Residents will be asked to stay on the outbreak unit excluding for medically indicated reasons.
- Medical masks will be available for Patients, Residents and visitors on the outbreak unit.
- We continue to use cleaning and disinfection products known to be effective against germs. We have enhanced the frequency of cleaning and disinfection on the units.
- Staff continue to wear personal protective equipment to protect themselves, patients and prevent spreading of illnesses on the units.
- Staff will perform hand hygiene following the WRHA 4 Moments.
- Groups activities may be impacted for outbreak units although one-on-one sessions for occupational therapy, physical therapy, recreational therapy etc. will continue.