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The Deer Lodge Military Convalescent Hospital is officially opened by the Duke and Duchess of Connaught and Princess Patricia.

Eighty-five soldiers are housed in the facility.

Royalty 1918
Visiting royalty acknowledged Deer Lodge’s outstanding work.
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Canada votes for Prohibition.  When causalities mount from the First World War, Roderick MacKenzie offers Deer Lodge to the Military Hospital Commission.

Soldiers 1918
Convalescent troops, medical and nursing staff at Deer Lodge.
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Fire again destroys part of the hotel.  It is rebuilt on a grand scale with financial assistance from Roderick MacKenzie, son of Sir William MacKenzie.

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Fire claims the main building which is rebuilt and re-opened as the “Deer Lodge Hotel.”

Old Hotel 1892
Deer Lodge Hotel
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H.A. Chadwick purchases the property and renovates it as an elegant roadhouse known to Winnipegers of the day as “Chad’s Place.”

Chads Place 1882
Chad’s Place officially opened
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The property is bought by Donald A. Smith, Lord Strathcona, and becomes a centre for hospitality in the Red River Settlement.

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The Honorable James McKay, Speaker of the House in the first Manitoba Legislature, leases the property to the Manitoba Government as a summer residence for Adams Archibald, the first Lieutenant-Governor.

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James McKay marries Margaret Rowand and builds his own elegant home “Deer Lodge” adjacent to that of his brother-in-law.

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John Rowand Jr., son of a wealthy retired Chief Factor of the Hudson’s Bay Company, acquires a tract of land along the Assiniboine river and builds an elegant house – “Silver Heights”.

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