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The Department of Veterans Affairs builds twin three-storey active treatment units with a total capacity of 300 beds (North and South Pavilions).

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[…] Newsletter(s) Media Relations Requests (TV, Radio, Print, Online) Research Studies : Provide information to you Recruitment or opportunities to participate in research Other: YES NO Photographs: Educational Materials Publications (newsletter, research) Other: Videos: Educational Materials Publications (newsletter, research) Other: Deer Lodge Centre (DLC) 2109 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3J 0L3 Tel. (204) 831 -3430 […]

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[…] provides advanced user functionality and control for face -to -face and virtual communi- cation. If you are unsure about what software (or hardware for that matter) would best suit your client, contact the Communication Devices Program so that our clinicians can assist you! CDP Update Spring 2018 w w w . w r h […]

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[…] device/system features, based on the client’s needs. Step 3 : Compare the required device/system features with actual features of candidate devices. Use process of elimination to determine best options. Step 4 : Trial device(s) in real world; evaluate outcomes. C l i n i c i a n ’ s C o r n […]

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[…] LONG TERM CARE Meals in long term care homes The dietitian promotes quality of life, good nutrition, including fluid intake, to allow you to function at your best. If you have concerns about your diet, please contact the dietitian to tal k more about your options. Those living in a long -term care home […]

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[…] if so, follow WRHA Policy – Safe Handling of Hazardous Medications (Cytotoxic and No n-Cytotoxic) .  Do not crush or split cytotoxic/hazardous medicatio ns .  Best practice is to administer one medication at a time. Mixing of altered medications is unpredictabl e and has not been studied.  Altered medications should be […]

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[…] LONG TERM CARE Meals in long term care homes The dietitian promotes quality of life, good nutrition, including fluid intake, to allow you to function at your best. If you have concerns about your diet, please contact the dietitian to tal k more about your options. Those living in a long -term care home […]

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[…] While in the process of writ- ing this post, we learned that apple themselves are coming out with system wide ‘mouse support’ on iOS devices in their latest updates, expected fall 2019. For iPhone and iPod Touch (iOS 13) and for iPadOS some of the new accessibility features will include: Voice Control, and Pointer/Mouse […]

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[…] or Deer Lodge Centre Privacy Officer at (204) 831-2164. Prior to admission you may want to contact the Unit Manager or Social Worker, should you have any questions or concerns. You are also encouraged to contact the Social Work Office to arrange a tour of the unit and facility for first time respite. ADMISSION […]

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[…] is auth orized by The Personal Heal th In for mat ion Act (PHIA) and will be used only to ad minister the rese arch proj ect. Questions regarding PHIA can be directed to the DLC Privacy Officer at 204-831-2164. 7 | P a g e AGREEMENT FOR A CCESS TO PERSONAL HEAL TH […]

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