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December 17 , 2020 Asymptomatic Testing Pilot Project Family Letter December 17, 2020 Dear Resident/ Family, The health and safety of our personal care home residents, and the staff who care for them each and every day, is a top priority. Since the spring, we have implemented a number of precautions to protect your […]

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[…] changes Eye-gaze/eye movements Facial Expression Gestures Pointing Sign language approximations Sign Language # signs #combining signs Vocalizations list examples Word approximations list examples Single words list examples Reliable “yes” Reliable “no” 2-word utterances 3-word utterances Full sentences Overall intelligibility Low tech AAC objects p hotographs symbols etran boards partner assisted SGD specify Writing Other […]

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[…] Pointing ο‚‘ Sign language approximations ο‚‘ Sign Language # signs #combining signs ο‚‘ Vocalizations list examples ο‚‘ Word approximations list examples ο‚‘ Single words list examples ο‚‘ Reliable “yes” ο‚‘ Reliable “no” ο‚‘ 2-word utterances ο‚‘ 3-word utterances ο‚‘ Full sentences ο‚‘ Overall intelligibility ο‚‘ Low tech AAC objects photographs symbols etran boards partner […]

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[…] health care team as appropriate. ο‚· Commun icate regularly to the staff nurse about the clinical status of the client, any outstanding items for follow up, relevant test results or treatments, and any recent or anticipated changes or concerns . ο‚· Inform the nursing staff when they are off the unit for other activities. […]

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[…] to their client for trial or rental. Clinicians were occasionally using the Clinic Loan option for this purpose already. We wanted to recognize that this is a valid request, and clinicians should be offered time ahead of a trial or rental to properly prepare the equipment and/or assess their client. Clinic Loans for this […]

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[…] Issue Device Spotlight Access Spotlight Clinicians Corner Education/Resources PWUAAC What ’s New in CDP Low Cost Symbol Based AAC Apps for iOS We get quite a few questions about free and low cost apps available for clients to put on personal devices and/ or phones. Below is a list of a few of the […]

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[…] with Parkinson’s in hospitals and care facilities get their medications On Time, Every Time, as the implications of not getting their medications on time are substantial β€’ Study done in the UK β€’ People admitted to hospital on surgical ward β€’ PD medications missed/late β€’ 71% β€’ 0.7 missed doses per patient per day […]

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[…] -19 Positive Case at Deer Lodge Centre (DLC) This letter is to advise you that a patient at DLC on Lodge 2 West Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit has tested positive for COVID -19 . DLC is connecting with primary contacts of the Patients to ensure they are aware of this as well as our plans […]

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[…] -19 Positive Case at Deer Lodge Centre (DLC) This letter is to advise you that two patient s at DLC on Lodge 4 We st ha ve tested positive for COVID -19. Lodge 4 is conside red an Acute Care unit and guidelines for declaring an outbreak in Acute Care requires two positive cases. […]

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[…] and Family Members, This message is to advise you that a Deer Lodge Centre staff member who worked on Lodge 3 West and Tower 3 South has tested positive for COVID -19. This positive test result does not meet the S hared Health guidelines to declare an outbreak however please be assured of the […]

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