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QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ASYMPTOMATIC TESTING IN PERSONAL CARE HOMES What is a rapid test for COVID -19 and how does it work? The rapid test units being used for this pilot , called Abbott Panbio COVID -19 antigen test , can provide COVID -19 results in about 20 minutes. The test is taken with […]

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[…] Centre. It is important to ensure the food is safe and to minimi ze risks for residents who may have special diet needs. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your unit dieti tian . 14 Guidelines for Bringing Food Prepared Off-Site to Deer Lodge Centre • Food may be brought in […]

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[…] 7. Near Point Convergence □ Unable to Perform (UTP) □ Break Point ________________ (inches) Recovery _______________ (inches) □ Touch to Nose (TTN) 8. Alignment ( School Bus Test) 9. Stereopsis ( Fly Acuity Test) □ Fly □ L □ R □ B □ None Dots: ______________º (seconds of arc) Symbols: __________ º (seconds of […]

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December 17 , 2020 Asymptomatic Testing Pilot Project Family Letter December 17, 2020 Dear Resident/ Family, The health and safety of our personal care home residents, and the staff who care for them each and every day, is a top priority. Since the spring, we have implemented a number of precautions to protect your […]

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[…] 4 -831 -3 4 3 0 Clinician ’s Corner A Communication Intermediary (CI) assists victims, witnesses and accused people who have speech and language disabilities to understand questions and to communicate answers effectively when communicating with police, legal or justice professionals. In Canada, a Communication Intermediary© holds a Master ’s degree in Speech -Language […]

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[…] a few of my favourites below: Alarm : Set, check, cancel, stop, and snooze multiple and/or recurring alarms Facts & Info : Get answers to your everyday questions (i.e. “How far away is the moon”?) Hands –Free Calling : Place calls to family, friends and local businesses in Canada and the U.S. Thermostat control […]

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[…] health care team as appropriate.  Commun icate regularly to the staff nurse about the clinical status of the client, any outstanding items for follow up, relevant test results or treatments, and any recent or anticipated changes or concerns .  Inform the nursing staff when they are off the unit for other activities. […]

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[…] Issue Device Spotlight Access Spotlight Clinicians Corner Education/Resources PWUAAC What ’s New in CDP Low Cost Symbol Based AAC Apps for iOS We get quite a few questions about free and low cost apps available for clients to put on personal devices and/ or phones. Below is a list of a few of the […]

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[…] … But that has made way for a new generation of head pointer. Enter the Head Mouse Nano and the TrackerPro 2 . Personally, I think the best thing about the two of these options is their compatibility with an iDevice. With all the advances in accessibility settings on your iDevices (iOS 13 and […]

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[…] screens as large as that. 2. The front of the I -13 has customizable eye gaze accessible adaptive buttons. 3. The camera has been updated to the latest IS5 technology, meaning faster and more accurate eye gaze access. 4. Streamlined design, that is lighter in weight than it’s predeces- sor, while maintaining battery life […]

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