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[…] right to safe, high-quality health care services. We work with health care organizations to help them improve quality, safety, and efficiency so they can offer you the best possible care and service. How does our program work? Health care accreditation through our Qmentum program is an ongoing process of assessing health and social services […]

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[…] physical distance when eating and drinking; and • Clean your hands often. We hope everyone enjoys their holiday celebrations wherever they may be and we thank you for your co -operation in following the safe visiting guidelines . We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and all the best in the New Year!

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[…] They/Them Other Last Name: First Name: First name generally used, if different from above: Home Address: City: Postal Code: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: E-mail address: Best time to contact you: Age: 16 -17 18 -34 35 -54 55 & older EDUCATION: Highest Level of Education Obtained: Name of School (if currently attending): […]

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