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[…]  Faire s ilence, s’asseoir simplement ensemble calmement, se tenir la main… Ce peut être une expérience puissante favorisant un sentiment de paix. Si vous avez des questions sur l ’une ou l ’autre de ces idées, veuillez communiquer avec un membre de l ’équipe de soins de s anté (p. ex. , travailleur […]

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[…] qui l’encourageront à déglutir de façon sécuritaire et à s ’alimenter suffisamment. Sachez qu ’une équipe est à votre disposition pour vous aider. Si vous avez des questions , adressez -les au personnel infirmier. La diététiste et l ’orthophoniste peuvent également vous aider , et sont à votre disposition si vous le désirez. Références […]

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[…] essential trips only Thank you for your co -operation as we work to protect you, our staff and our community from COVID -19. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here for you. Please talk to your care team, the Unit Manager, or call the Client Relations Office at 204- 831-2963. If […]

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[…] feeding and swallowing guidelines to ensure pacing and provide cues t o encourage safe swallowing and good intake. Be aware that a team is available to help. Let your nurse know if you have questions. The dietitian and speech language pathologist can also help and are available if desired. References: Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, Mealtimes

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[…] for the equipment HOW TO REFER • Download Referral Form (CDP -01) from CDP website: -01 -referral -form.pdf • If available, have your SLP or OT complete the referral form and fax to: 204 -885 -2524 • Call 204 -831 -3430 with any questions! Deer Lodge Centre 2109 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3J 0L3

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UNIT: __________________________ ___ DISCIPLINE: ______________________________ Questions: 1. We re you a ware of the CLEAN WAVE Campaign?  Yes  No 2. Do you know the hand hygiene rate for DLC?  Yes  No 3. Did you partic ipate in th e CL EAN WAVE c ampai gn?  Yes  No 4. […]

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[…] asymptomatic. • If you answered “no” to all of the above , you may proceed to work. • If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions , your screening result is positive and you must: o Notify your manager (or designate) immediately. They will advise y ou of next steps. o You […]

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[…] as when they interact with their fellow patien ts and residents during recreation activities and with the staff who are carin g for them. If you have questions or concerns about these changes, please contact your Manager of Patient / Resident Care or Client Relations at 204 -831- 2963 or [email protected] . Sincerely, Kevin […]

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